well!! it seems that i ve abandoned this blog tooooooo LONG already.. damn... tonnes of pixxx to upload..
Herm, let me c.. i ve got 4 issues in hand.
1st issue: im so not gonna upload all the pictures since they are all scattered in my com (so damn hell lazy now)
2nd issue: im back in gym now~ on top of that, i got myself a new nike protops too :) Andrew and gym shall live happily ever after..
3rd issue: damn miss leong carmen for getting a job and i dont, LOL... nah~ its ok.. those ppl prefers girls to guys.. i shall be craving for KFC from u since ur so gonna get me free dinner every day :)
4th issue: i played a new song and its all on facebook :) Halo meets love story
there is in fact another song but i labelled it as 09/09/09 only meant for 619328. I shall not post it up wat so ever, but if ur looking at this now, i just wanna tell u something, u really patched a deep mark in me, it's seriously not easy to rub it off in an instance, not after 2 years.
Just some briefing bout my new uni :)
-the place im living now is called MARKETGATE aka 1205 D, Marketgate, Bond Street South, Bristol BS1 3PQ XD
- it takes me almost 15-30 mins to uni, and for eff' sake, the bloody gym is at my uni.. ( OMG!!!)
shall post some other stuffs on soon~ til then~~ adios:)